
Green Medford seeks to educate the Medford community to understand our environmental impact, and to empower members of our community to make more sustainable energy choices related to homes and businesses, transportation, and food.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Request for Proposals, fall 2011

Tufts Community Research Center

The Tufts Community Research Center is a collaborative of Tufts researchers and Boston-area community representatives. This RFP solicits requests for funding of community-collaborative research projects.

Grant Specifications:

1) Amount available: One award of $6,500

2) Application is due at 5pm on November 4, 2011

3) Funding must be used between November 5, 2011 and June 30, 2012

4) A final report on the project must be submitted by July 31, 2012

Application Requirements:

1) The team that is applying must include at least one Tufts-based researcher and at least one community-based organization. You might want to consult: http://www.ccph.info/.

2) Proposals may be from any discipline.

3) The proposed research could be community-based participatory research, but could also involve other approaches to research collaboration.

4) Applicants must specify what kind of research will be conducted.

5) The community, and the ways that it is involved, must be clearly defined. We are particularly interested in proposals from Tufts host communities (Somerville, Boston Chinatown, Medford), but will consider proposals from other communities.

6) The proposal must be for a research project that is asking a question of interest to the community partner.

7) Funding is prioritized for start-up projects rather than as an add-on to existing research.

8) The applicant must clearly indicate how the TCRC funds will be used by providing a brief line item budget and justification (stipends, hiring a research assistant, etc.).

Submission process:

Applications should consist of no more than 3 pages (Times New Roman 12 point type, 1 inch margins) of narrative, plus the budget and justification. The structure of the narrative is at the discretion of the applicant.

Signed letters, on letterhead, from all partners indicating that they have agreed to participate in the proposal development must be included.

One-on-one meetings to discuss this RFP can be scheduled with the director of TCRC in advance of submission.

Final applications should be submitted as an email attachment (preferably in PDF format) to dbrugge@aol.com. For more information contact Doug Brugge, Director of TCRC, via email at dbrugge@aol.com or phone at (617) 636-0326.

NOTE: The funded application will be eligible for technical assistance from the director and steering committee of the Tufts Community Research Center during the implementation of the research.

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